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12 votes

Why is our site badge “UAV”?

While it certainly breaks the pattern, I think it's a good thing we have UAV and not DMA. To me, ...
ifconfig's user avatar
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12 votes

Cannot ask question without adding a tag, but there's no tags, and I require 300 reputation to make a tag!

I knew it was foolish to think that nothing would break in the 11-something months since the last site launch... and yet I dared hope. The issue itself is fixed now; sorry about that. What happened ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
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7 votes

Bug report - unable to comment or ask a question on the Meta using the app

The mobile apps are no longer supported. Instead, you should be using the regular website, which should work properly on mobile devices.
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is our site badge “UAV”?

Several Beta sites have letters in their logo that don't readily fit the name. Constructed Languages has "art" as its logo. UAV is something many people will recognize as being relevant to the topic.
Machavity's user avatar
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3 votes

Bug report - unable to comment or ask a question on the Meta using the app

While Mark's answer is correct, I wanna add some points: When the app said to 'let us know on meta' it means to post a topic on the main meta of SE, Meta Stack Exchange. That's how the SE staff is ...
CaldeiraG's user avatar
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