Taking your real world example, that post ‘I have figured out a way to do X’ is totally acceptable on the site as a answer.
You're encouraged to self answer your questions even if you knew the answer before asking as mentioned here.
So your Q&A would look like:
Q: My battery straps keep breaking, how can I fix it?
A: In order to fix it you should do X and Y.
Bare in mind that if you got your answer from a website, you should cite the relevant content and also cite the source.
In relation to studies, it's fine to mention a study on a answer:
The best way to do X is Y, explained by study Z that mentions (relevant content)
Questions like:
Is there a document / study that talks about X?
are generally off-topic because we expect the users to do prior research before asking any question and a question should be based on actual issues you face as mentioned in the blog post Good Subjective, Bad Subjective that I quote:
Great subjective questions tend to have long, not short, answers. The best subjective questions inspire your peers to share their actual experiences, not just post a mindless one-liner or cartoon in hopes of being rewarded with upvotes for being merely “first.” Sharing an experience takes at least one paragraph; ideally several paragraphs. If I’m asking about how to bake cookies, don’t give me a list of grocery items: milk. butter. vanilla. eggs. There is virtually nothing I can learn from a short, static list of grocery items that make up a recipe. Instead, tell me what happened the last time you made cookies from that recipe! Share your detailed experiences, so that we all might learn from them.