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2 votes
1 answer

Where will I find the chatroom for Drones and Model Aircraft?

I am still rather new to SE. So maybe this is obvious to everyone else, but I have not found my way into the Chatroom. Any help is appreciated.
HansenJC001's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Re-name [fpvcamera] tag to use spacing

Can the tag fpvcamera be renamed to fpv-camera to use proper spacing, when trying to edit it myself I get this message: Can a moderator please re-name it?
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6 votes
1 answer

Re-name tag to use proper spacing

I am trying to rename outofcontrol to out-of-control to use proper spacing by changing it on the only post it is used on but I get this error: Can a mod (Catija) rename it please?
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