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7 votes

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

As a fairly new site, the scope is still quite fluid. As a moderator, how would you treat questions where there is a borderline consensus (for instance, 3 up 2 down on the meta post) on whether it is ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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5 votes

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

Occasionally we may see individuals who are experts, and who leave very highly upvoted posts, but who are very argumentative or intolerant and upset other members of the community. How would you ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
4 votes

2020 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Neil/ifconfig answers here: As a fairly new site, the scope is still quite fluid. As a moderator, how would you treat questions where there is a borderline ...
ifconfig's user avatar
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4 votes

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

How do you feel about downvoting or closing questions by brand new users with a reputation of only 1 (and no experience on any Stack Exchange community), when the question is not spam or ill-...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
4 votes

2020 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

My (gparyani) answers: As a fairly new site, the scope is still quite fluid. As a moderator, how would you treat questions where there is a borderline consensus (for instance, 3 up 2 down on the meta ...
gparyani's user avatar
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4 votes

2020 Community Moderator Election Results

Congratulations to all three of you. I'm not an active contributor, but rather a heavy reader and participant on MSE. Your actions on the site have been instrumental in the site's initial launch. You ...
Spevacus's user avatar
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4 votes

2021 Community Moderator Election Results

Congratulations to anonymous2, and thank you both for running in the election! I look forward to more good times here!
Nike Dattani's user avatar
3 votes

2020 Community Moderator Election Results

Well done folks - as a mod team I think you will do very well growing and directing this site. I'm not very active here, but definitely interested, and hopefully will get more time once summer arrives....
Rory Alsop's user avatar
3 votes

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

Deleting comments is somewhat "permanent" in that no one can "vote" to un-delete them. What would be your policy on deleting comments?
Nike Dattani's user avatar
2 votes

Pro Tempore Moderator Election Questionnaire?

We have an answer suggesting that we should have a questionnaire for the Pro-Tempore Moderator election. If I may, I will offer a counter-argument, and suggest that we should rather just ask ...
sempaiscuba's user avatar
2 votes

2020 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Jacob B Go vote for your favorite candidates: here My questionnaire answers: As a fairly new site, the scope is still quite fluid. As a moderator, how would you treat questions where there is ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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2 votes

2020 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

1) As a fairly new site, the scope is still quite fluid. As a moderator, how would you treat questions where there is a borderline consensus (for instance, 3 up 2 down on the meta post) on whether it ...
Kralc's user avatar
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1 vote

2020 Pro Tempore Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Kenn Sebesta Self-nomination: Questionnaire responses: As a fairly new site, the scope is still quite fluid. As a moderator, how would you ...
Kenn Sebesta's user avatar
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1 vote

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

As a moderator you will have the power to do things that you would normally not even have enough reputation to do. For example, you might have a reputation of 1000, which is far away from the 4000 ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
1 vote

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

As a moderator you have the power to delete people's posts without the usual need for 3 people to vote on it. Even more seriously, posts that are deleted by a moderator cannot be voted on for un-...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
1 vote

Pro Tempore Moderator Election - Question Suggestions

What is your stance on users that have enough power to edit questions/answers without review, but abuse this power? For example going ahead and changing something that is not absolutely necessary, ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar

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